Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes

Instructors: Robert Adler and Rami Atar

Time: Thursdays, 12:30-14:30.

Place: Meyer (EE) Building, Room 353.

Language of instruction: English.

Content:  Most of the course will follow the textbook, the main topics of which are:

  • Random polynomials and their zeros
  • Gaussian analytic functions
  • Joint intensities for random analytic functions
  • Determinantal point processes
  • Examples: Uniform spanning trees, circular unitary ensemble,
  • Ginibre ensemble, spherical ensemble, etc, etc.



Textbook: The main source will be the 2009 book Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes, of the same name (no coincidence!) by John Ben Hough, Manjunath Krishnapur, Yuval Peres, Balint Virag, which can be downloaded from Microsoft by clicking on the title, two lines up. Additional papers will be distributed during the course.

Grade: Registered students will be required to give lectures on recent papers in the area. Other participants will also be strongly encouraged to do the same, on the principle of nullum dolorum, nullum quaestum. (No pain, no gain.)

Prerequisites: Probability theory at the graduate (measure theoretic) level along with some elementary complex analysis at the undergraduate level.

Acknowledgement: For more on the attraction basins (aka. pretty pictures) at the top of the page go to Ron Peled’s homepage .